“Happiness is fucking overrated”
“I still haven’t figured out what I want to do in my life, and I don’t think I ever will, I just know how I want to LIVE”
Timeless Tales “Episode 1”
Meet Deeksha Loyal, a master’s student with 7 years of experience in the design industry. In this interview, she shares her perspectives on life, happiness, and letting go.
How old are you?
Deeksha: I’m 29, but I like to say that I’m 30(Chuckling)
What does it feel like to be 29 years old?
Deeksha: I think it is a constant struggle between trying to think that you’re not too old and trying to remember that you’re still young. Sometimes I feel really young while other times I feel old when I think about touching 30.
What is one regret that you have or a mistake that you made that taught you a valuable lesson or made you the person you are today?
Deeksha: Among other things, one of the most important things that I’ve learned is that it does not matter how much time you waste on someone, or how much you run behind anyone, in the end, what matters is investing your time in yourself, instead of other people.
Are you talking about self-love?
Deeksha: Self-love is kind of a different topic, I’m just talking about understanding your own value. Understanding that you have a certain worth, and you have to decide that other people are not always more valuable than you.
You have your own value and you have to believe in it. No one else is gonna do that for you. And that is something I think people learn really late in life.
Comes with the age maybe?
Deeksha: Yaa, it Comes with a lot of regrets and mistakes.
What is that one aspect in life that you still struggle with?
Deeksha: It is so fucking hard to pinpoint any one thing, life is so shitty(laughing).
I still struggle with finding that satisfaction in doing things or with my life.
Like I don’t have a particular direction for my life, and because I hear so much around me that people have figured out what they want to do, I feel I still struggle with that.
I still haven’t figured out what I want to do in my life, and I don’t think I ever will, I just know how I want to LIVE.
What advice would you give to someone just starting out in their career or life in general?
Deeksha: My single advice is to go out and fucking make mistakes. You have to make your own mistakes, if you don’t then you won’t truly live your life.
You have to think of having fun, you just can’t be serious all the time. In your early twenties, you must have a lot of fun, otherwise, you’ll never figure out who you are.
You have to push yourself and try out different things because that is the age where it is really possible to do a lot of stuff and really explore yourself.
It is a very crucial age to figure out our own identity, so it’s really important that we give ourselves that space and permission to go all out.
Mistakes teach us a lot of lessons, don’t they?
Deeksha: That is the only thing that is gonna teach you any lessons, no one else is gonna do that, no one.
And the second thing that I always say is that don’t ever keep regrets. Whatever choices that you made never regret them, live with the consequences of them.
There would always be consequences to every choice you make, but you will always be able to take care of it.
Make mistakes, but don’t regret them.
What is the one quality that you generally admire in the other person?
Deeksha: What I really admire in a person is their ability to be considerate and empathetic. I admire people who uplift each other while moving forward.
Even if you are not uplifting or being considerate, just don’t drag down other people.
I also like when people stay open to other people’s perspectives.
What do you think is the key to a happy and fulfilling life?
Deeksha: There is no key…(burst out laughing) the doors are locked…(still laughing) you cannot be happy, that is the truth of life.
I think if you can let shit go, you can stay happier.
You can be sad, get furious about that, and then you can decide “fuck it, I don’t wanna think about it anymore”. And you let go.
A lot of people struggle with letting things go. How do you practice letting go?
I like to laugh about it in a sarcastic manner. I might be feeling really bad in a situation, but I can still make fun of my feeling bad in that situation.
I say things like “What nonsense things happen to you, LOL”, “Stop crying and get over it!”. By doing this for a moment I can just let go and switch out of that situation.
I think we shouldn’t focus on being happy all the time. Happiness is fucking overrated. It’s a trap.
Is there an experience that you would suggest everyone should have while they are young?
Deeksha: Solo traveling, because it will give you a glimpse of your own potential.
It will give you a hint that you can be independent, and it can be a really good starting point for you to build up your confidence.
Favorite quote:
No guts, no glory,
No legend, no story!
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